Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Made it through today, two more days!

Conclusion Paragraphs are due today by 7:30!
Final submission of essays are due on Friday!

Math retest tomorrow!

Tuesday, 17 December 2019

It's a busy day tomorrow!

PJ Day
Walk to school Day
Assembly- 9:20
Whole School DPA (Outside) following assembly
Essay Conclusion Paragraph Due! 

Monday, 16 December 2019

One More Week!

Essays are do on Friday! I will have this round of feedback done tonight, the conclusion paragraph is due on Wednesday. PLEASE PROOF READ your essays before submitting! I should not still be correcting past tense and present tense words!

Social Studies:
Venn Diagram and Diary entry is Due tomorrow! Review the rubric before handing anything in.

Geometry Re-Test is on Thursday during Art
Juice Jug assignment due tomorrow

Friday, 13 December 2019

Happy Friday!!!!

Quest is coming home today! Please sign it and bring it back on Monday. Request is on Thursday!

Biodiversity test is coming today! Please sign it and bring it back on Monday.

Social Studies:
Diary Entry due on Tuesday

3rd Body Paragraph Due Monday
Conclusion Due Wednesday
Full essay- error proof, on paper, with rubric Due Friday!


  • Wednesday: Walk to School
  • Wednesday P.J. Day!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Wednesday Assembly at 9:20
  • Whole School DPA after the assembly

Wednesday, 11 December 2019

Wed. Dec. 11, 2019.

Tomorrow night is the Winter Concert, please be here between 6:00-6:15. We will be meeting in room 214.

Quests will be hopefully be coming home tomorrow. We will be starting Measurement tomorrow focusing Surface Area and Volume of a Rectangular and Triangular Prisms.

2nd Body paragraph was Due today, please make sure that you have submitted your paragraph!

KWL charts are due today, please make sure that you have submitted them!

Social Studies:
Diary entry is Due on Friday, you will have class time to work on it!

Tuesday, 10 December 2019

Happy Tuesday Dec. 10, 2019.

Quest tomorrow on 2D shapes and angles.

2nd body paragraph due tomorrow

4 KWL charts (Task 1) on google classroom is due at the end of class tomorrow

Social Studies:
Diary/Journal entry is due on Monday at the beginning of class (no class time)- google classroom Task 3

*** Winter Concert is on Thursday Dec. 12 at 6:30, please be here by 6:15***
***Wed. Dec. 18 is our Pride Assembly at 9:20, walk to school day, whole school DPA, P.J. Day**

Monday, 9 December 2019

Lots of Due Dates...

Quest on Wednesday

2nd Body Due on Wed. Dec. 11 (sorry for the confusion!)
3rd Body Due on Mon. Dec. 16
Conclusion Due on Wed. Dec. 18
Final full essay- error proof!! Due Dec. 20, printed off with rubric in my hand by 3:40!

Winter Concert on Thursday 6:15 arrival, 6:30 concert. 

Friday, 6 December 2019

Happy Friday!

Our winter concert is next Thursday Dec. 12! Please be here by 6:15 and the concert starts at 6:30.

Some students are missing math work, please check your notebooks for the following assignments...
- Mariam Small Practice Questions (on google classroom)
- Pg. 424 Rotational Symmetry ques.
- Drawing Rotational Shapes pg. 66
- Test Yourself worksheet pg. 69, 70

Here is the textbook link and workbook link:


Essay Introduction and 1st body paragraph will be returned by tomorrow night. Second body, 1st body and intro are all due (corrected) on Dec. 10.

If you did not finish your 5 sentences it is due on Monday at 9:10 (the beginning of class)

Have a great weekend!!! 

Wednesday, 4 December 2019

Wednesday Dec. 4, 2019.

1st body paragraph and revised introduction paragraph are DUE TOMORROW!!! Please put both paragraphs on one doc, not 2 separate attachments. 

Tuesday, 3 December 2019

Tuesday Dec. 3, 2019.

Some students did not finish the symmetrical questions on the board. Here is the textbook link, the pictures are on page 213 of the textbook.

All thesis statements and introduction paragraphs have been returned, 1st body paragraphs with quotes are due on Thursday!

Monday, 2 December 2019

Happy December!

We began rotational symmetry today, students were learning how many times a shape needs to turn in order to be symmetrical.

All introduction paragraphs will be returned by the end of the night. Students need to use their feedback and make their corrections before Thursday. They are expected to hand it back in on Thursday so that I can see that they have used their feedback.
Also on Thursday their 1st body paragraph is due for feedback.
All 100 points projects are completed!!! Rubrics will be coming home soon, stay tuned!

Social Studies:
Coat of Arms is due at the end of class tomorrow. Students also need to hand in a paragraph explaining the images that are on their coat of arms and why they are important to them.

We began our new unit on Space today, we will continue to explore our questions on Wednesday. 

Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Wednesday Nov. 27, 2019.

I have removed the "subscribe by email" from my blog. Due to the boards privacy policy, we can not ask you to share your personal emails with us. Therefore, I will continue to use the blog because students have access to their homework, I am not sure if you will continue to get a notification if you have already signed up? If there is a message that I need to ensure that parents see, I will send it out through an Edsby broadcast which you will receive as an email notification. Then you will have to sign in to blogger to see the message. If anything changes and students gain access to Edsby, I will switch and let you know. I will also be able to share more evidence of learning pictures through Edsby.
Thank you for your patience while we figure all of this out!

The rubric and due dates for their Giver Essay have been shared in the google Literacy classroom.
Introduction paragraph and thesis due on Friday
100 Points Projects are due on Friday

Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Tuesday Nov. 26, 2019.

Math Data Management Rubric is coming home tonight, please sign the rubric and bring it back tomorrow!
We started our next unit in Geometry today, just a very basic diagnostics with the "Headband" game.

We are starting our Space unit tomorrow.

We looked at sample Giver essays today, we will write our framework for a thesis tomorrow and students will plug their three topics into the framework. Then students will use the rest of the period to work on their introductory paragraph and finish up any remaining points projects. I will try to put a rubric and due dates on google classroom tonight, if not, it will be tomorrow. 

Monday, 25 November 2019

Monday Nov. 25, 2019.

The due dates are set for the comparison essay!
Friday Nov. 29- Intro paragraph with class created Thesis Statement
1st Body- Thursday Dec. 5
2nd Body- Wednesday Dec. 11
3rd Body- Monday Dec. 16
Conclusion Paragraph- Wednesday Dec. 18
Final Essay- Friday Dec. 20

Students will have all class time to work on paragraphs after this week. We will do mini lessons on paragraph structure, comma's run on sentence and fragments as well as setting up and using quotes to support arguments. The due dates are set for feedback, that way, by the final submission essays should be above expectations.

Social Studies:
If you haven't so yet, please bring in a picture of your family and be ready to share your heritage story. 

Thursday, 21 November 2019

Happy Movie Night!

For all families and students coming to movie night tonight, I hope you have a great time!

We finished the Giver today, it was a great discussion, the kids really enjoyed the book. We will watch the movie tomorrow afternoon, students asked if they can wear their P.J's and I thought that it sounded like a good idea! Tomorrow is P.J. Day in our class!!!

If students do not have 50 points in projects by tomorrow, will be staying in for recess all next week until they feel that they have caught up and will be able to hand in 100 points by next Friday. I will be teaching essay writing next week and how to write a thesis statement. By the end of next week, students will be writing their introductory paragraphs and planning their body paragraphs.

Graphs and analyzing questions (Summative Assignment) is due!

Tests will be hopefully marked by tomorrow, but will not be coming home after Dec. 1, until all students have written it.

Presentations begin tomorrow

Thursday, 14 November 2019

Happy Weekend!!

Some people have not finished the practice questions from today's class. This is homework to complete in your math notebook. Math questions are in the google classroom.

Social Studies:
Heritage Questions in google classroom.
Students need to talk to parents, grandparents, great grandparents, whoever they have access to. This will help them learn about their cultural identity where their history is. They also need to bring in a picture of their family to share their personal story. Please bring the picture in on Monday.

Next week:
Science Test is on Wednesday Nov. 20
Math Summative Assignment (Graph) Due on Friday Nov. 22
100 Points Projects Due on Friday Nov. 29

Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Wednesday Nov. 13, 2019.

Happy Progress Report Card Day!!!! Progress Reports are coming home today!

There is not much homework tonight, but Literacy points projects ARE still DUE tomorrow! We are down to two more weeks of projects, students are expected to have 100 points by Nov. 29. Please double check that your child is on track and has a plan about which assignments they are going to be completing. I will also be conferencing with all students between today and tomorrow.

We worked on practice questions today, we will continue this tomorrow, but then it is due at the end of the period. The assignment is in google classroom.

Next Week:
Science Test will be on Thursday or Friday, we will review on Monday.
Math final assignment- no test will be started on Monday and completed by Friday.

Thank you to all of the parents that have signed up for an interview, I am looking forward to meeting with you tomorrow or Friday. I still have a couple of appointments available for those of you that have not yet booked an appointment. Parent, teacher, student communication is very important for your child's success!

We participated in the Edsby workshop last night, it was really informative. The only issue that I found was that the students do not have access to the platform. Therefore, I will continue to use blogger for homework and general information, if there is something that I feel is email worthy and not for the students, I will send a message through Edsby. Thank you for your support as I tested it out! 

Thursday, 7 November 2019

Assessments coming home tonight!

Social Studies:
We are More Poem rubrics are coming home tonight, please sign and send back.

Number the Stars Summative Assessment rubric is finally marked and coming home. I will return the actual assignments next week and we will spend some time making the corrections and learning from our mistakes.
Please sign the rubric and send back tomorrow

Remembrance Day Assembly is on Monday:
I'll confirm the time tomorrow!
Our class will be a short presentation to In Flanders Fields
Students need to wear all black and their poppies, including black socks!

Wednesday, 6 November 2019

Wednesday Nov. 6, 2019.

Reminders and Due Dates:
Math continuous line graph is due at the end of class tomorrow- you have class time to work on it.

Points Projects are due on Friday

Brochure due date has been changed to next Wednesday Nov. 13.

Social Studies:
We will finish the We are More Poem tomorrow and then rubrics will be coming home to be signed

Make sure that all rubrics are signed

7 Elements of Art project will be due at the end of class next Wednesday Nov. 6

Monday, 4 November 2019

Monday Nov. 4, 2019.

Retests came home today, please sign and send back tomorrow. Some students will be doing another restest, that will be on Friday Nov. 8, 2019.

Points project are always due on Fridays, we reviewed the rubric today, hopefully the next round of assignments will resemble more of a good copy look.

Signed Rubric
Binder Check Mon. Nov. 11
A- Resources
B- Travail Quotidienne
C- Evaluation

Thursday, 31 October 2019

Happy Halloween!!

Math Re-test is tomorrow at 12:10 (Science) and then complete it during the lunch hour if needed.

Math homework:
Collect 100 pieces of candy, sort those 100 pieces into different categories and tally that data. Bring in the data of the different categories which totals 100. We will then use that data to create a circle graph.

Your first "points project" is due tomorrow

Have a safe and happy night! 

Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Tomorrow- Happy Halloween

Assignment Due Dates:
Social Studies:
We are More Poem presentations start tomorrow!

Math Retest
Literacy- The Giver Points Project Due

Rubrics are coming home please sign and return

Please remember to sign rubrics and return!

Tomorrow students can wear their costumes after lunch (2:00)
No food allowed- please do not send snacks
All 3 grade 6 classes are mixing and offering different activities in each room.
- Movie
- Board and card games
- technology (school appropriate)

Tuesday, 29 October 2019

Homework, Assignments and Reminders

Math Tests are coming home today. Please review the test with your child and help them make corrections that are needed. Students that did not meet the level 3 expectation will have a retest on Friday. Please sign the test or rubric and send it back to ensure that you have seen their test.

Our next unit in Math is Data Management. We are currently looking at a variety of graphs and analyzing the data, type of graph and information presented. We will be learning how to create appropriate questions so that students can gather primary and secondary data, compare the two and graph the outcomes. Please support your child at home by looking at relevant data and graphs and talking about they are representing.

We have begun our second novel study- The Giver. This will be their first formal essay that will be a comparison between the book and the movie (please do not show them the movie, we will watch it in class after we read the book). Essays will be due on the last Friday before the Christmas break. Most of December will be a step by step writing process that will support them when writing their essays. Feel free to help edit, but not write their essays. Work will be done in class.
While we are reading, students will be responsible for handing in an assignment of their choice every week. The assignment options are in the Literacy google classroom. Please review the assignments with your child, help them create a timeline (or hold them accountable for the timeline that they have already created) so that they can plan their assignments for the next 5 weeks. Assignments are due on every Friday.
Please support at home by asking your child to summarize what they have read about each week/day, what assignment they are working on and using the rubric to guide their effort.
I will also post some discussion questions for the chapters each week. THESE ARE NOT HOMEWORK but can be used as extra work at home if needed!
Chapters 1-7
1. Why might the arrival of a jet be a terrifying experience for the entire community?
2. What do you think might happen to someone who is released from the community?
3. Name one thing you learned about the community from the discussion during the ritual telling of the feelings.
4. What is different about the way children are born and infants are cared for in the community?
5. Why was it so difficult to get rules changed in the community?
6. Why were Gabe's eyes of such interest to Jonas?
7. How did Lily react to the new word "hippo"? Why did she react this way?
8. Why did Jonas risk the humiliation of public chastisement (being disciplined in front of people) for taking an apple from the recreation area?
9. What effect did the pills have on Jonas and the other people who took them?
10. Why do you think all adults were required to take them?
11. Why do you think Birthmothers, or biological mothers, held such a low status in the community?
12. Do you think the lives of the elderly were better or worse than they are in our society today? Give a good reason for your opinion.
13. What two things did the committee consider when giving children their life assignments?
14. What did the family have to do in order for Gabriel to be allowed a second year of Nurturing?
15. What do you think was the difference between release and loss based on the way the community used these words?
16. Nines were given bicycles. What did that signify for them?

We are coming to the end of our Biodiversity unit (2 more weeks). For the summative assignment, students will need a shoe box. Please start collecting and saving! If you have extra, others can always benefit from them.

Social Studies:
We Are More Poem presentations begin on Thursday Oct. 31

Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Take Me Outside Day

Take Me Outside Day was amazing! We had a lot of fun.
During our morning block we learned the different directions (North, East, South, West), how to use a compass and follow coordinal directions that led us to the trail system at the bottom of the hill on Hartwell. There we explored a different wetland, animals that used the resource and the importance of moving water.
After recess we were joined by a personal friend of mine and Curriculum Consultant for Outdoor Education and headed to the pond just northeast of the school. Mrs. Murray taught us about Ephemeral Art and how important and beautiful our nature can be. Students worked in small groups or partners to create some wonderful masterpieces!

After lunch, students completed their math test. I'm hoping to have it marked and sent home by Friday... Fingers crossed!

I am participating in an Edsby workshop on Nov. 12, I will keep you informed of the changes after that.

Tuesday, 22 October 2019


Tomorrow is Take Me Outside Day- we are hoping to be outside for most of the day, dress for the weather!
2 Rubrics came home today
- Social Studies Canada Past and Present Presentation
- Difference Maker Presentation
Please sign that parents have seen them and return tomorrow!

Good Luck to those that are going to Regional Cross Country tomorrow!

Math Test Tomorrow

Friday, 18 October 2019

Happy Friday

Number the Stars Summative task in google classroom. Due on Tuesday- no class time to work on it.

Review on Tuesday
Test on Wednesday

Thursday, 17 October 2019

Thursday Reminders

Tomorrow is:

Walk to school day
Whole school DPA
Assembly at 9:30
Spirit day- Wear house colours

Math online questions- google classroom
Math review is on Tuesday Oct. 22
Math Test is on Wednesday Oct. 23

Biodiversity Task 3 is due Oct. 25 (not homework)

Number the Stars Summative Assignment is Due Tuesday Oct. 22

Wednesday, 16 October 2019

Homework and Reminders

We had a great Difference Maker presentation today, thank you Tristin for sharing your Difference Maker with us!

Most students have completed their Performance Task and have started their last assignment for our Number Sense Unit.
We are continuing with Difference Maker presentations
Number the Stars Summative Assignment is still hopefully going to be completed by Friday, otherwise it is due on Tuesday Oct. 22.

Tomorrow is Purple Shirt day!!!!
Friday is walk to school day, whole school DPA, Pride Assembly at 9:45

Tuesday, 15 October 2019

Happy Tuesday!

New Due Dates:
Performance task was started today, we will continue tomorrow and then it will be handed in at the end of class or students will stay in for recess to finish.
Math review for test will be on Tuesday Oct. 22
Math Test is Wednesday Oct. 23

Summative Assignment was assigned today, hopefully we will completed by Friday if not it will be homework and due on Tuesday

Special Days this week:
Thursday Oct. 17- Purple Shirt Day
Friday Oct. 18- Walk to school, whole school DPA, Pride Assembly (9:30ish), Spirit Day- wear your house colour

Next week:
Oct. 23- Take me OUTSIDE day! 

Wednesday, 9 October 2019

Walking trip tomorrow!

We are very excited for our walking trip tomorrow! The weather looks perfect, Ian the arborists for the Town of Aurora is excited to meet us and we have some fun activities to do as well. Please dress for the weather. We will be back by recess, we do not need to bring any food with us.

Please remember to submit your Biodiversity Task 1 to the google classroom- it was due today!
We will continue with the 2 questions from today on Friday- please DO NOT do them for homework!

Journals were handed in yesterday, students received feedback and a mark today. Most marks were not at grade level and therefore they had the opportunity to redo their work today. If it was not completed in class or at recess, it is homework tonight and DUE TOMORROW!

Social Studies:
Residential Schools assignment in google classroom is due tomorrow.

Number the Stars Discussion Questions for Ch. 13-17 will be due on Friday, we will finish the book tomorrow in class. Book talks take place on Friday afternoon.
Difference Maker project presentations DUE on FRIDAY- Presentations start, all presentations must be submitted on Friday.

Cross Country practice takes place on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 8:15
Forms due to Mr. D or myself as soon as possible! 

Tuesday, 8 October 2019

Due Dates and Reminders

Due Dates:
Social Studies: Residential School Assignment in google classroom Due Thursday Oct. 10
Literacy: Number the Stars Discussion Questions Ch. 13-17 Due Friday (we read Ch. 13, 14, 15)

Walking trip is on Thursday!
Cross Country Thursday morning at 8:15
Pride Assembly Oct. 18 at 9:30/9:45

Monday, 7 October 2019

Happy Strike Free Monday!

Math Journals are due tomorrow- Please complete in math notebook
Difference Maker Biography is Due on Friday!
French presentations continue tomorrow

Picture Day tomorrow
Walking Trip is taking place on Thursday 

Thursday, 3 October 2019

Happy Thursday Oct. 3, 2019.

Good thing we cancelled the Walking Trip today, what a wet cold day! Remember that it has rescheduled for next Thursday, if any parents are available, please join us!

Biodiversity Task 1 is due tomorrow

Cereal Box presentations continue tomorrow

Discussion Questions Ch. 9-12 due tomorrow
Difference Maker Final Assignments due next Friday Oct. 11

I am also trying to figure out communication through EDSBY, I have posted 3 notes on the site, but I'm not sure if you can see them. Please look to see if you can see any posts and email me or ask your child to pass on the message.
Thanks :)

Wednesday, 2 October 2019

Hope today went ok?!

Hi everyone, sorry I missed you today, Hudson is feeling much better and I will be back tomorrow.
HOWEVER... Our walking trip is going to be postponed until next week! Although it is not suppose to rain until 11:00, it could be wet and cold. Next week looks much better.

Remember that you have math homework tonight if you did not finish. Pg. 42 #3, 4, 5, 6
Science Task 1 is also due on Friday.
Math Text book Ch. 2

Tuesday, 1 October 2019

Tuesday Oct. 1, 2019

Please send back your walking trip form tomorrow!!
French is due tomorrow

Monday, 30 September 2019

Monday Sept. 30, 2019.

A form is coming home tonight about our walking trip to the Arboretum. Please fill out the information and send it back as soon as possible. Parent volunteers are always welcome, but not needed.

Have a good night! 

Friday, 27 September 2019

Happy Friday!

Thank you for coming last night, it was really nice meeting and seeing you all. Some parents were asking what else they could do to support their child with the math curriculum at home. Here is the link to corresponding pages about Number sense, place value, ordering numbers and eventually decimals and fractions. 

We have also moved our due date for our Difference Maker Assignment to Oct. 11, one week later. 

Next week we will be going on a walking trip to the Arboretum to meet an Arborist from the town. We will be learning about different types trees, human interaction and biodiversity. If you are available to come and support our learning that would be great! We are hoping to go on Thursday morning, after the announcements. More information will be coming home on Monday. 

It is orange shirt day on MONDAY! Please remember to wear your orange shirt for support for survivors of Residential Schools!

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, 26 September 2019

See you tonight!

Meet the Teacher is happening tonight from 6-7! See you then 😊
Literacy Discussion Questions are due tomorrow- Ch. 5-8

Tuesday, 24 September 2019

Tuesday Sept. 24, 2019

Discussion questions for ch. 5 and 6 were assigned today, we will read ch. 7 and 8 on Thursday, questions are due on Friday Sept. 27

Social Studies:
We had a really good discussion about residential schools today to begin our learning for Orange Shirt Day on Monday. Please continue to conversation at home! 

Parent Survey's are due on Thursday! 

Up coming events:
Terry Fox run- Thursday Sept. 26 at 9:30
Meet the Teacher- Thursday Sept. 26 from 6:00-7:00

Thursday, 19 September 2019

Thursday Sept. 19, 2019.

We did a lot of learning in Science today... We are figuring out the classification of species and where they belong in the Five Kingdoms classification chart. We started by classifying the species that we found in our Ada Johnson park (land) and then added the species that we found on our journey over to the pond.
 After that, we broke the animal kingdom down into 2 classifications:
On Wednesday, we will continue to write 5-6 characteristics of each species in the Vertebrate and Invertebrate families. This will be collected at the END of class. If students do not feel that they will have time to complete the chart to the best of their abilities, then they should be working on it at home.

Ch. 1-4 Discussion questions for Number the Stars are due tomorrow in order to participate in the book talk. This is homework tonight if not completed in class today.

Social Studies:
Presentations will continue next week

Sept. 24-27
Terry Fox Run- Sept. 26
Meet the Teacher- Sept. 26

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Wednesday Sept. 18th, 2019.

We started social studies presentations today, so far they have been great! We will continue next class, which will be on Tuesday.

Discussion questions for Ch. 1-4 are Due on Friday, submitted to google classroom- Literacy

In Science tomorrow we will continue our knowledge building about the animal classification chart that we have been working on in our last couple of classes.

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Tuesday Sept. 17, 2019.

Social Studies is due tomorrow- a rubric has been added to the google classroom, we will review it tomorrow before presentations and time will be given if needed to make adjustments to presentations.

Literacy: Discussion questions Ch. 1-4 is due on Friday. We have read chapters 1-3, we will read ch. 4 on Thursday and have book talks on Friday. Students need to have questions completed in order to participate in talks. 

Monday, 16 September 2019

Happy Monday

We started our research today on our Difference Maker Presentations- Due Oct. 4
research sites to use: then student tools and resources, passwords- dsbyork, dsby7692

Social Studies Presentations- Sept. 18th

Science: The plan is to walk over to the pond tomorrow- please dress accordingly

Please continue to complete your parent survey's and send them in- Due Sept. 26th

PA Day- Monday Sept. 23
Meet the Teacher- Sept. 26

Friday, 13 September 2019

Happy Friday the 13th, Harvest Moon and Weekend!!

We started our first novel study today. We are reading a novel called Number the Stars by Lois Lowry, in preparation for Remembrance Day, thinking about world issues, and what we would do to help other people. We will be answering a series of discussion questions for each chapter and then sharing our answers during book talks on Friday's. All of the questions are shared in the literacy google classroom. We will be reading 1-2 chapters on Tuesday's and Thursday's in class and then using most of class time to answer discussion questions. If they are complete on Thursday, they will be homework in order to participate in the discussions on Friday.

Due Dates:
Social Studies- Canada Communities Past and Present Presentation due Sept. 18
Art: Due Friday Sept. 20
Biography: Due Oct. 4

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Really good talks today!

We had some really good conversations today about the attacks that happened 18 years ago on Sept. 11, 2001.
We also had a really great conversation about World War II in preparation for our first novel study Number the Stars by Lois Lowry.
Please continue tonight with parents.
See you tomorrow :)

Monday, 9 September 2019

Happy Week 2!!!

Just a couple of reminders;
- Letter to Mrs. Lummiss to introduce yourself and explain what your goals are, how you are going to achieve them and how I can help you achieve them.
- Paper bag assignments will be continuing tomorrow
- Parent Survey
- All forms from the first day of school

I will be starting to call parents tonight, talk soon!
Have a good night :)

Thursday, 5 September 2019

Thursday Sept. 5, 2019- Homework and due dates

Paper bag assignment- Due Mon. Sept. 9

Parent Survey- Due Thursday Sept. 26

Letter to me (teacher)- Due Friday Sept. 6
- learning style
- social things you want me to know about-- friends, maybe enemies
- Academic goals
- How can I help you be successful?

This is my favourite "Getting to Know Me" assignment.  This is your first opportunity for you to share some things about yourself that we as a class might not know.  This is also my first opportunity to see you present something in front of your classmates.  I would like for you to brainstorm a list of things that express who you are, or things you like to do.  Collect 4 -5 items around your home that represents YOU!  Put them in the bag, bring them to school on Monday September 9th, and be ready to share your treasures.  (Examples of artifacts:  a favourite book, hobby/sport, picture, movie, artwork, game, journal, poem, award, etc.)  I will also be participating in this activity so you will learn more about me too! Remember, your objects MUST fit in your bag, and you may decorate your bag if you wish. 

Enjoy collecting some fun artifacts that help explain all about you! Be ready to present on Monday Sept. 9, 2019.  

September 5th, 2019.

Dear Parents/Guardians and Grade 6 Students,

This will be an exciting year for you in Grade 6 and will bring both challenges and rewards as I prepare you for the years to come.  Parents/guardians, I look forward to meeting you at our Meet the Teacher Night on Sept. 26th, where you can find out what we have planned for this year.  At this time, I will give you an overview of the upcoming program and answer any questions you might have about the year ahead.  You will notice from your timetable that I will be teaching the following subjects in our homeroom: Language, Health, Visual Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies, Drama, Dance, and Phys Ed.

Throughout the year, my goal is to keep you well informed about what we are learning in our class.  Keeping the lines of communication open is a key factor to having a successful experience at school.  Our blog will be a very helpful tool in relaying information.  Both parents and students may access the classroom’s blog for a quick daily update on homework, announcements, web links, upcoming assignments/projects, schedules, wish lists, etc.

Although it is the students’ responsibility to keep up with classroom work, it would be a great help if you could do regular ‘check-ins’ when needed.  Speaking of responsibilities students of 6, you WILL have homework!  However, I do not have a separate homework program. Student’s homework will consist of finishing class work, ongoing projects, and daily reading.  Due dates will be made very clear so plan your time wisely!  I will also expect each student to be reading a book of his or her choice daily at school and at home.

Throughout our first week your child will give me some insight into their lives.  To better my understanding of the Grade 6 families that make up our classroom, I am kindly asking you to take a few minutes to complete this PARENT SURVEY and return it to me by September 26th (do your best!).  If there is a part of this survey that you would prefer not to answer, that is perfectly fine - my intention is not to invade your privacy.

Because you are sharing some insight into your family, I feel that it is only fair that I reciprocate.  My name is Jen Lummiss and I am very excited to be teaching grade 6 for my 3rd year in a row.  I first began my teaching career 12 years ago as a grade 1 teacher, over the years I have had the opportunity to teach every grade and almost every split grade. As a child, I moved to Stouffville in grade 2 with my family where I attended the local elementary and high school.  My interests include my two children Mackenzie (6) and Hudson (3), running marathons and half marathons, weight lifting, basketball, volleyball, swimming, singing and guitar, history, literature, the theatre and my family (including Wyatt, my dog).

I am looking forward to getting to know each of you.  Please do not hesitate to call if you have a question or concern.


Jen Lummiss
Grade 6 Homeroom Teacher Rm. 300
Rick Hansen Public School
905-841-6225 ex. 300

Child’s Name:__________________________________________________________             
Name(s): Mom: __________________________ Dad: _______________________________
Brothers’ or sisters’ names, grade/age and school attending:
Step-parent(s), if any:
When are the best times to reach you: ________________________________________
Do you have any skills/hobbies that you would be interested/willing to share with our class?                   
YES                 NO                    Skill or hobby:
Are you available to assist on field trips or within the classroom?               Times available:
Has there been any recent illness, deaths, or traumatic events that might affect your child’s behaviour/ performance in school?   YES                 NO                            
Please describe briefly: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Does your child have any medical conditions that I should be made aware of?
YES                 NO                    Condition: ___________________________________________________________
Please list any sports or interest groups that your child participates in:
Please list any hobbies that your child enjoys:
Please indicate any holidays/vacations that your child will be absent from school on.
How much time for homework do you feel is appropriate for students of this age?
Does your child have a set bed time?                  YES                 NO                   Time:
Does your child read daily outside of school activities: YES                NO             
What types of literature are accessible in your house?  (i.e. novels, newspapers, magazines, etc.)

Does your child have a special place to do his/her homework? YES               NO
Is the homework area free from distractions such as TV, video game, telephone or radio?  YES        NO
Does he/she have a special time for doing homework? YES                 NO                             Times:
Is there someone available to help your child with homework, assignments etc.?   YES     NO    
Do you believe that your child should take on increased responsibility for their learning?
YES                 NO
Should they be expected to complete all assignments and submit them on time?
YES                 NO
Should there be appropriate consequences if they fail to submit assignments on time?
YES                 NO
Should grade 6 students be responsible for communicating their marks and daily experiences with their parents? YES                     NO     How will you promote this? 

Thank you for helping me learn more about your child by completing this survey.  I look forward to teaching your Grade 6 student and providing him/her with a creative and memorable academic school year!


Tuesday, 3 September 2019

Welcome back!

Welcome Back!!! 

I am very excited to be back at school with a new class. I had a wonderful summer at the cottage, now I am relaxed and ready to begin our learning journey over the course of the 2019-2020 school year. We have a lot of things planned, different assignments, field trips that support our learning as well as special guest speakers and presenters during the year. 

Please remember to review the blog every night. This is where I will communicate information about homework, due dates, up coming events, classroom challenges, and world events that will support your understanding and learning in our different subjects. 

I hope you have a great year, please feel free to contact me whenever you need to, my door is always open. 

Mrs. Lummiss