Friday, 29 May 2020

Happy Friday!

Have a great rest of the day! I know there is not always a lot to talk about, but I really enjoy seeing you all! I have your confidential assignments, so as long as you have completed that you're good!
There are no new assignments for the weekend, just keep working on your assignments that you already have!

Assignments due Monday:
Math- Lesson 6

Assignments due Tuesday:
Literacy- Poetry lesson 9

Assignment due Wednesday:
Social Studies- Task 2

Assignment due Thursday:
Health- Task 2

Have a great weekend, it's supposed to be nice :)

Thursday, 28 May 2020

A rainy day Thursday

Google Meet tomorrow! Have a great rest of the day!

Today's Assignments:
Literacy- Poetry Lesson 9
Health- Task 2

Assignments Due today:
Literacy- Poetry Lesson 8
Health- task 1- check to make sure that you are submitting your assignments properly!

Assignments Due tomorrow:
Nothing- keep working on Math- Due on Monday

Wednesday, 27 May 2020

Wednesday :)

Have a wonderful day everyone! It's so nice out, got out and enjoy some fresh air!

Assignments due today:
Math- lesson 5
Social Studies- task 1

Today's Assignments:
Math- Lesson 6- Due Monday June 1
Social Studies- Task 2- partner if you wish due Wednesday June 3

Assignments due tomorrow:
Health- Task 1
Literacy- Task 8- Similes

Tomorrow's assignments:
Literacy- Lesson 9
Health- task 2

Talk to you tomorrow! Have a fantastic day :)

Tuesday, 26 May 2020

Happy Tuesday!

I am still missing 7 Math assignments from yesterday! I will be assigning a new math lesson tomorrow, it's a big lesson so I'm going to give you until Monday for this lesson. Please also make sure that you are actually submitting your assignments. Some of you are not pressing that final "turn in" button, which gives me access to see and comment but I can't return it to you... So you don't see my comments.

Have a great rest of the day! IT'S SO HOT!! Try to stay a little cool, drink lots of water!

Today's Assignment:
Literacy- Poetry lesson 8- Simile

Due yesterday:
Math- Lesson 4- Still missing 7!

Due today:
Literacy Lesson 7- Onomatopoeia
Science- Flight Design Challenge

Due Wednesday:
Math- Lesson 5
Social Studies- task 1

Due Thursday:
Health- task 1
Literacy- Lesson 8 Simile

Have a great day :)

Monday, 25 May 2020

It's a BEAUTIFUL Monday!

Hey everyone, I hope you continue to have a wonderful day, it is so nice outside, make sure that you get out and enjoy this weather! Make sure that you hand in your math that is due today and keep track of the other assignments with other due dates. The Social Studies assignment that I assigned for Wednesday can be a partner project, if you wish! Please make sure that you write both partners on the doc title!

Today's assignment:
Math- Patterning and Algebra lesson 5

Due today:
Math- Lesson 4!! Please make sure it is submitted today

Due this week, assignments you already have....
Science- Flight Design Challenge is due tomorrow
Literacy- Poetry lesson 6- Onomatopoeia is due tomorrow
Social Studies- task 1- Due Wednesday
Health- task 1- Thursday

Have a wonderful day :)

Friday, 22 May 2020

Happy Friday!

Thank you again for another great Google Meet session! It's SO great to see everyone and touch base about normal things! Have a great weekend, make sure you get outside lots because next week looks to be very rainy.

Assignment due today:
Math Patterning and Algebra Lesson 3- review feedback before you do lesson 4.

Today's Assignment:
Math Patterning and Algebra Lesson 4

Due Monday:
Math Lesson 4

Due Tuesday:
Literacy- Poetry Lesson 7
Science- Flight design challenge

Due Wednesday:
Math Patterning and Alegbra Lesson 5
Social Studies- task 1

Due Thursday:
Health- task 1
Literacy- Poetry Task 8

Due Friday:
Math Lesson 6

Thursday, 21 May 2020

It's a beautiful Thursday!

Google Meet tomorrow!!! I hope to see you all tomorrow at 1:00 on our google meet classroom. Use the same code as last time, it is in the homeroom classroom.

Assignments due today:
Literacy- Poetry Lesson 6- Onomatopoeia

Today's assignments:
Literacy- Poetry lesson 7- Onomatopoeia
Health- Substance Use and Abuse in the Health classroom code: dzj55or

Assignments due tomorrow:
Math- Patterning and Algebra Lesson 3

Next weeks assignment due dates:
Math- Patterning and Algebra Lesson 4 (coming tomorrow)
Science- Design Flight Challenge due Tuesday
Social Studies- Task 1 due Wednesday
Health- Task 1- Substance Use and Abuse due Thursday
Literacy- due Tuesday and Thursday

Have an amazing rest of your day!!! GO OUTSIDE! It is so nice! Enjoy the weather and get some exercise!

Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Wednesday May 20th.

Have a great day everyone!! It's amazing outside- go outside!!!

Today's assignments:
Math- lesson 3
Social Studies- Task 1

Assignments due tomorrow:
Literacy- Poetry lesson 6

I'm still missing several assignments in:
Math- Patterning and Algebra lesson 2
Science- Task 2
Please make sure that you are following the due dates, it really helps when I'm trying to mark assignments and give feedback.

Have a great rest of the day, talk to you tomorrow. Remember that we have a google meet on Friday at 1:00, same code as before, found in the homeroom classroom (code ufes5il)

Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Tuesday May 19th

Thanks everyone for a great day, we found out today that we will continue learning like this until the end of June. Stay positive and remember the positive things that we researched during our Social Studies journals!
Make sure you hand in all of your assignments that are due today! I am still missing several Social Studies reflection journals!

I have been asked to hand out all of the assignments on Monday's instead of waiting for the day to assign different work. I have assigned what I can so far. There are certain lessons that I can not assign early because I use your previous assignment to prepare the next, based on questions and the amount of support needed.

I have assigned our final Health unit task 1, today. Technically we will "do" health on Thursday's and you'll have a week to complete it.

Please pay attention to the due dates, I feel like having all of the assignments at once might be overwhelming and you may miss due dates and assignments. Structure your days accordingly, and make sure you save time to go outside and get some fresh air. The warmer weather is coming!!! YAY!!!

Today the following Assignment are due:
Math: Algebra and Patterning Lesson 2
Social Studies: Reflection Journal
Science: Task 2

This weeks agenda:
Tuesday- Literacy and Science
Wednesday- Math and Social Studies
Thursday- Literacy and Health Classroom code: dzj55or
Friday- Math

Today's assignments:
Literacy- Poetry Lesson 6- due Thursday May 21
Science- Flight Design Challenge- Due Tuesday May 26

Friday, 15 May 2020

Happy Friday!

THAT WAS AMAZING!!!! I MISS YOU ALL SO MUCH, IT WAS REALLY GREAT TO SEE EVERYONE! Have a wonderful weekend, get some fresh air and finish up your assignments for Tuesday!
Thank you parents for your continued support and allowing us to use google meet. We are planning on doing it every Friday at 1:00.

Today's Assignment:
Google meet, laugh and smile!

Assignment Due today:
Literacy- Last day of reading assignment

Assignments due Tuesday:
Social Studies- Reflection journal
Science- Task 2
Math- Patterning and Algebra lesson 2

Thursday, 14 May 2020

Thursday May 14, 2020.

Have a great day, I am SO excited to see as many as possible tomorrow! Check out the "assignment" link in the homeroom classroom for the instructions and expectations for our first google meet class tomorrow- Friday May 15th at 1:00.
I am not going to assign any new assignments until Tuesday (Monday is a Holiday). I'm not sure what happened but everything got back logged and is now due on Tuesday.

No new assignments today!

Assignments due today:
Literacy- Poetry Lesson 5- Hyperboles

Assignments due tomorrow:
Literacy- Last day of Reading assignment

Assignments due on Tuesday:
Social Studies- Reflection Journal (No journal thing)
Science- Flight Task 2
Math- Patterning and Algebra Lesson 2

Have a great day! Make sure that you get outside and get some fresh air, it's so good for you!

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Happy Wednesday :)

Thanks everyone for joining today, it was nice to have a few different students online today! I miss you all so much!! Have a great rest of your day, it's sunny and getting warmer... maybe it'll actually stop snowing soon! Haha

Today's assignment:
Math- Patterning and Algebra lesson 2- Due Tuesday (it's only 3 questions but there is a lot of new learning for those questions and there are several questions for each pattern, I thought I'd give students a break and time to do this assignment well!)

Assignments due today:
Math- Patterning and Algebra lesson 1

Assignments due tomorrow:
Literacy- Poetry lesson 5- Hyperboles

Assignments Due on Friday:
Literacy- Last week of Reading unit!!!

Assignments due on Tuesday:
Science- Flight task 2
Social Studies- No journal thing reflection assignment

If you finish anything before the due dates feel free to submit them, I am constantly marking!! LOL

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

It's a Beautiful Snowy Day! Yay!! Haha

That's it for the day! Have a great rest of the day and make sure you get outside and enjoy the snow!! Haha!!

Assignments due today:
Literacy- poetry lesson 4- Hyperbole

Today's assignments:
Social Studies- Not the Journal Thing! (Thank you Oscar) (Due Tuesday May 19)
Literacy- Poetry Lesson 5- Hyperbole (due Thursday)

Assignments Due tomorrow:
Math- Patterning and Algebra

There is also a letter coming out in the edsby email about using google meet on Friday from 1:00-1:30! Yay!

Monday, 11 May 2020

Happy Monday!

Ok everyone have a great rest of the day! Remember to submit all of your work that is due today! We are finishing up our Social Studies Journal assignment. I have given a little bit of information in the Social Studies classroom, but will provide a final assignment tomorrow.
Have a great day and get outside!

Assignments due today:
Math test
Science- Flight task 1

Today's Assignments:
Math- Patterning and Algebra lesson 1- new unit
Science- Flight task 2

Assignments due tomorrow:
Literacy- Poetry Lesson 4 hyperbole assignment

Friday, 8 May 2020

It's still nice that it's Friday :)

Happy FRIDAY!!!! WooHoo, another week done! I hope it warms up and that you all have a great weekend :) If you have questions about the Math test, remember to scroll down first to see if I have already answered your question in the Homeroom classroom or the Math Classroom. If not, post a question and I will check again tonight :)

Today's Assignments:
Math Test- Due Monday

Assignments Due Today:
Literacy- Reading assignment
Social Studies- Journals with Research

Assignments Due Monday:
Math Test
Science- Flight Task 1

Have a great weekend, remember that Mother's Day is on Sunday!! Don't forget! Get outside and get some exercise, you should all be amazing runners by the end of this! Hahaha

Thursday, 7 May 2020

Thursday May 7, 2020.

Thank you for another great day :)

Today's Assignment:
Literacy- Poetry Lesson 4 (Due Tuesday)

Assignment Due today:
Literacy- Poetry Lesson 3

Assignments Due tomorrow:
Social Studies- Journals with research!
Literacy- Reading assignment

Assignment Due Monday:
Science- Task 1

Tomorrow's work:
Math test

Have a great rest of your day, before it gets too cold! Tonight is also the last night of the super moon until April 2021, see if you can see it tonight!

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

We made it through Wednesday!

Hey everyone, that's it! Enjoy the sun while we have it, the news is calling for a Polar Vortex this weekend... Because that's what we need right now!

Today's assignment:
Math Games and Activities in the textbook, to study for the test on Friday.

Assignment due tomorrow:
Literacy Poetry Lesson 3

Assignments Due on Friday:
Social Studies- with research
Literacy- Reading

Assignments Due on Monday:
Science- Task 1
Math Test

Have an awesome day, talk to you tomorrow!

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Happy Tuesday :)

Just like that another day is done! I'm feeling better about our new schedule, I feel like it is spacing assignments out better. I have added a link to research (if needed) into the Social Studies classroom. You might want to include it in your journals this week...

Assignments that are due today:
Poetry lesson 2

Assignments due tomorrow:
Math- Percents as Special Ratios (MATH TEST FRIDAY! OPEN BOOK!)

Assignment that was assigned today- Due Thursday
Poetry Lesson 3

Assignment Due on Friday:
Social Studies

The sun is shining, remember to take a break from your screens and get some fresh air! Have a great rest of your day :)

Monday, 4 May 2020

Happy Monday- May the fourth be with you!

Happy Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Ruffalo!

Happy Monday everyone! According to our new schedule you have a Math and Science assignment to do today. The Math is due on Wednesday and Science is due on Monday.

We will do Literacy tomorrow, but feel free to explore the Digital calming board today to see what's there, I'm pretty sure you have access to it now. I'm not sure about the Choice Board, please check the first link in the first box called Animal Advocate and let me know if you can access the link.

It is Mental Health week, make sure you take some time to reflect on things, take a break and get outside. 

I have added the link from Mrs. Ford and a note from Mme. Caughey.

Your Mental Health thought for the day is "Focus on what you can do, rather than what you can't do!"

Assignments for today:
Math- Percents as Special Ratios Due Wednesday May 6
Science- Flight Assignment #1 Due Mondau May 11

It's also Mother's Day coming up (Sunday May 10), I will share an activity tomorrow just in case!
Have a great, get outside!

Friday, 1 May 2020

It's MAY!!! Happy Friday :)

Happy weekend!!! Please get outside, run, walk, bike, roll, whatever you can do, but get some exercise outside!! Stay safe and distance from others, but you can still get outside :)

Assignments due today:
Social Studies- 2 journals with RESEARCH
Science- Research project
Literacy- Reading assignment

Assignment Due Monday May 4th
Math- Equivalent ratios lesson 5

Assignment Due Tuesday May 5th
Literacy- Poem analysis

Have a great weekend, please make sure that you have all of your assignments handed in by the end of the day.