Thursday, 26 March 2020

Hey everyone, I miss you!

Dear Students and Parents,

Hey everyone, I hope that you are still doing well and participating in some form of learning activities. As of right now teachers are still waiting for direction regarding the continuity of learning for our students.  As much as I would like to jump right in, I have been instructed not to proceed with any online learning initiatives of my own until I get the go-ahead from the YRDSB and/or the Ministry of Education.

While we wait for direction, would you mind emailing me ( with answers to the following questions?  These questions come from me ... I am just trying to be proactive ... I can't wait to connect with my students again.

1. First off, how are you?  Are you and your family well?

2. I am assuming that we will be going to some form of online learning.  This may pose various challenges for my students, and I would like to wrap my head around ways to overcome these challenges.  For example, now that many parents are working from home, some of my students might find it difficult to access home technology because a parent might need it for their work.  Then again, this might not be a problem for any of my students.  I don't know.  This is why I am asking for feedback.  Please take a moment to tell me about any challenges you might foresee with online learning at home.

I will continue to share information with you as I get it.

Please be safe.


Jen Lummiss

**If you know any one that is not reading the blog, please pass this information onto them and ask them to do the same.**

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