Thursday, 31 October 2019

Happy Halloween!!

Math Re-test is tomorrow at 12:10 (Science) and then complete it during the lunch hour if needed.

Math homework:
Collect 100 pieces of candy, sort those 100 pieces into different categories and tally that data. Bring in the data of the different categories which totals 100. We will then use that data to create a circle graph.

Your first "points project" is due tomorrow

Have a safe and happy night! 

Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Tomorrow- Happy Halloween

Assignment Due Dates:
Social Studies:
We are More Poem presentations start tomorrow!

Math Retest
Literacy- The Giver Points Project Due

Rubrics are coming home please sign and return

Please remember to sign rubrics and return!

Tomorrow students can wear their costumes after lunch (2:00)
No food allowed- please do not send snacks
All 3 grade 6 classes are mixing and offering different activities in each room.
- Movie
- Board and card games
- technology (school appropriate)

Tuesday, 29 October 2019

Homework, Assignments and Reminders

Math Tests are coming home today. Please review the test with your child and help them make corrections that are needed. Students that did not meet the level 3 expectation will have a retest on Friday. Please sign the test or rubric and send it back to ensure that you have seen their test.

Our next unit in Math is Data Management. We are currently looking at a variety of graphs and analyzing the data, type of graph and information presented. We will be learning how to create appropriate questions so that students can gather primary and secondary data, compare the two and graph the outcomes. Please support your child at home by looking at relevant data and graphs and talking about they are representing.

We have begun our second novel study- The Giver. This will be their first formal essay that will be a comparison between the book and the movie (please do not show them the movie, we will watch it in class after we read the book). Essays will be due on the last Friday before the Christmas break. Most of December will be a step by step writing process that will support them when writing their essays. Feel free to help edit, but not write their essays. Work will be done in class.
While we are reading, students will be responsible for handing in an assignment of their choice every week. The assignment options are in the Literacy google classroom. Please review the assignments with your child, help them create a timeline (or hold them accountable for the timeline that they have already created) so that they can plan their assignments for the next 5 weeks. Assignments are due on every Friday.
Please support at home by asking your child to summarize what they have read about each week/day, what assignment they are working on and using the rubric to guide their effort.
I will also post some discussion questions for the chapters each week. THESE ARE NOT HOMEWORK but can be used as extra work at home if needed!
Chapters 1-7
1. Why might the arrival of a jet be a terrifying experience for the entire community?
2. What do you think might happen to someone who is released from the community?
3. Name one thing you learned about the community from the discussion during the ritual telling of the feelings.
4. What is different about the way children are born and infants are cared for in the community?
5. Why was it so difficult to get rules changed in the community?
6. Why were Gabe's eyes of such interest to Jonas?
7. How did Lily react to the new word "hippo"? Why did she react this way?
8. Why did Jonas risk the humiliation of public chastisement (being disciplined in front of people) for taking an apple from the recreation area?
9. What effect did the pills have on Jonas and the other people who took them?
10. Why do you think all adults were required to take them?
11. Why do you think Birthmothers, or biological mothers, held such a low status in the community?
12. Do you think the lives of the elderly were better or worse than they are in our society today? Give a good reason for your opinion.
13. What two things did the committee consider when giving children their life assignments?
14. What did the family have to do in order for Gabriel to be allowed a second year of Nurturing?
15. What do you think was the difference between release and loss based on the way the community used these words?
16. Nines were given bicycles. What did that signify for them?

We are coming to the end of our Biodiversity unit (2 more weeks). For the summative assignment, students will need a shoe box. Please start collecting and saving! If you have extra, others can always benefit from them.

Social Studies:
We Are More Poem presentations begin on Thursday Oct. 31

Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Take Me Outside Day

Take Me Outside Day was amazing! We had a lot of fun.
During our morning block we learned the different directions (North, East, South, West), how to use a compass and follow coordinal directions that led us to the trail system at the bottom of the hill on Hartwell. There we explored a different wetland, animals that used the resource and the importance of moving water.
After recess we were joined by a personal friend of mine and Curriculum Consultant for Outdoor Education and headed to the pond just northeast of the school. Mrs. Murray taught us about Ephemeral Art and how important and beautiful our nature can be. Students worked in small groups or partners to create some wonderful masterpieces!

After lunch, students completed their math test. I'm hoping to have it marked and sent home by Friday... Fingers crossed!

I am participating in an Edsby workshop on Nov. 12, I will keep you informed of the changes after that.

Tuesday, 22 October 2019


Tomorrow is Take Me Outside Day- we are hoping to be outside for most of the day, dress for the weather!
2 Rubrics came home today
- Social Studies Canada Past and Present Presentation
- Difference Maker Presentation
Please sign that parents have seen them and return tomorrow!

Good Luck to those that are going to Regional Cross Country tomorrow!

Math Test Tomorrow

Friday, 18 October 2019

Happy Friday

Number the Stars Summative task in google classroom. Due on Tuesday- no class time to work on it.

Review on Tuesday
Test on Wednesday

Thursday, 17 October 2019

Thursday Reminders

Tomorrow is:

Walk to school day
Whole school DPA
Assembly at 9:30
Spirit day- Wear house colours

Math online questions- google classroom
Math review is on Tuesday Oct. 22
Math Test is on Wednesday Oct. 23

Biodiversity Task 3 is due Oct. 25 (not homework)

Number the Stars Summative Assignment is Due Tuesday Oct. 22

Wednesday, 16 October 2019

Homework and Reminders

We had a great Difference Maker presentation today, thank you Tristin for sharing your Difference Maker with us!

Most students have completed their Performance Task and have started their last assignment for our Number Sense Unit.
We are continuing with Difference Maker presentations
Number the Stars Summative Assignment is still hopefully going to be completed by Friday, otherwise it is due on Tuesday Oct. 22.

Tomorrow is Purple Shirt day!!!!
Friday is walk to school day, whole school DPA, Pride Assembly at 9:45

Tuesday, 15 October 2019

Happy Tuesday!

New Due Dates:
Performance task was started today, we will continue tomorrow and then it will be handed in at the end of class or students will stay in for recess to finish.
Math review for test will be on Tuesday Oct. 22
Math Test is Wednesday Oct. 23

Summative Assignment was assigned today, hopefully we will completed by Friday if not it will be homework and due on Tuesday

Special Days this week:
Thursday Oct. 17- Purple Shirt Day
Friday Oct. 18- Walk to school, whole school DPA, Pride Assembly (9:30ish), Spirit Day- wear your house colour

Next week:
Oct. 23- Take me OUTSIDE day! 

Wednesday, 9 October 2019

Walking trip tomorrow!

We are very excited for our walking trip tomorrow! The weather looks perfect, Ian the arborists for the Town of Aurora is excited to meet us and we have some fun activities to do as well. Please dress for the weather. We will be back by recess, we do not need to bring any food with us.

Please remember to submit your Biodiversity Task 1 to the google classroom- it was due today!
We will continue with the 2 questions from today on Friday- please DO NOT do them for homework!

Journals were handed in yesterday, students received feedback and a mark today. Most marks were not at grade level and therefore they had the opportunity to redo their work today. If it was not completed in class or at recess, it is homework tonight and DUE TOMORROW!

Social Studies:
Residential Schools assignment in google classroom is due tomorrow.

Number the Stars Discussion Questions for Ch. 13-17 will be due on Friday, we will finish the book tomorrow in class. Book talks take place on Friday afternoon.
Difference Maker project presentations DUE on FRIDAY- Presentations start, all presentations must be submitted on Friday.

Cross Country practice takes place on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 8:15
Forms due to Mr. D or myself as soon as possible! 

Tuesday, 8 October 2019

Due Dates and Reminders

Due Dates:
Social Studies: Residential School Assignment in google classroom Due Thursday Oct. 10
Literacy: Number the Stars Discussion Questions Ch. 13-17 Due Friday (we read Ch. 13, 14, 15)

Walking trip is on Thursday!
Cross Country Thursday morning at 8:15
Pride Assembly Oct. 18 at 9:30/9:45

Monday, 7 October 2019

Happy Strike Free Monday!

Math Journals are due tomorrow- Please complete in math notebook
Difference Maker Biography is Due on Friday!
French presentations continue tomorrow

Picture Day tomorrow
Walking Trip is taking place on Thursday 

Thursday, 3 October 2019

Happy Thursday Oct. 3, 2019.

Good thing we cancelled the Walking Trip today, what a wet cold day! Remember that it has rescheduled for next Thursday, if any parents are available, please join us!

Biodiversity Task 1 is due tomorrow

Cereal Box presentations continue tomorrow

Discussion Questions Ch. 9-12 due tomorrow
Difference Maker Final Assignments due next Friday Oct. 11

I am also trying to figure out communication through EDSBY, I have posted 3 notes on the site, but I'm not sure if you can see them. Please look to see if you can see any posts and email me or ask your child to pass on the message.
Thanks :)

Wednesday, 2 October 2019

Hope today went ok?!

Hi everyone, sorry I missed you today, Hudson is feeling much better and I will be back tomorrow.
HOWEVER... Our walking trip is going to be postponed until next week! Although it is not suppose to rain until 11:00, it could be wet and cold. Next week looks much better.

Remember that you have math homework tonight if you did not finish. Pg. 42 #3, 4, 5, 6
Science Task 1 is also due on Friday.
Math Text book Ch. 2

Tuesday, 1 October 2019

Tuesday Oct. 1, 2019

Please send back your walking trip form tomorrow!!
French is due tomorrow